In the 6th grade I took a vocational assessment that said I should build custom boats. Since then I've built two, so we'll see I guess.
My wife and I camped in the Redwoods for our honeymoon. I'm a huge tree nerd and I love my wife so that was heavenly.
1996 Ford Windstar with a digital dash! Hauling six of your friends around in high school is cool even if your van is not.
Right now I'm playing pickleball as much as possible. I love that it is bringing multigenerational friends together and you can play all over town.
I'm a fervent supporter of Perly's breakfast. My wife and I usually go halfsies on the cinnamon babka french toast and a "Benny Goodman".
I am a Virginia native and spent years 0-23 around the commonwealth before bouncing to Colorado, Connecticut, and Arizona. I stuck the landing in Richmond.